~ Project Pages and Instructions ~



Items available here can be downloaded by simply clicking on the links for each item.

NOTE: If you are using Internet Explorer you will need to use the download instructions at the bottom of the page, but only for the Arduino Sketch. We do not know exactly why this is the case, but suspect that it might be related to the Van Allen belts or perhaps the current level of sunspot activity. Your guess is as good as ours.


Internet Explorer download instructions:

Do the following to download the Arduino Sketch (The PDF documents will work normally):

  1. Right click on the link for the Arduino Sketch.

  2. Select "Save Target As" in the submenu that appears.

  3. Select the folder on your computer where you wish to save the file.

  4. Click the drop down arrow at the right end of the "Save as type" line.

  5. Select "All Files (*.*)"

  6. On the File Name line, change 'html' to 'ino'.

  7. Click 'Save'.

We sincerely apologize for this inconvenience, but this is an issue with Internet Explorer, and not the way the download links were created. The code for the links follows standard HTML format.


Page updated on Sunday, December 27, 2020